Perkins K-8 School
School Site Council (SSC)
The name of this council is the Perkins K-8 School Site Council
The purpose of this council shall be to:
1. Develop and monitor the Comprehensive Site Plan
2. Review, monitor, and revise the Annual Action Plan now called the SPSA (Site Plan for Student Achievement) each year as needed.
3. Annually, establish a new School Based Coordinated Program budget consistent with the Education Code and if necessary make modifications in the Site Plan for Student Achievement to reflect change, improvements, needs and priorities.
Section I
The council shall be composed of the principal and representative of teachers elected by teachers at the school; other school personnel elected by other school personnel at the school, and parents of pupils attending the school, elected by such (or volunteered) in the event that such parents decline.
Section II
Members shall seek a 2-year term. In order to achieve staggered membership one half or nearest approximation of the members representing parents/community group, and one half or nearest approximation of members representing teachers and other school personnel (except the principal) shall be elected yearly.
Section III
Resignation will be accepted only upon written notice to the chairperson.
The officers of this council shall be a chairperson and co-chairperson and secretary.
Section I
Meeting shall be held on the third Thursday of every month when school is in session and will begin promptly at 3:30 pm. The dates shall be on file in the school office and approved by the Advisory council each year.
Section II
The meetings shall be conducted bilingually if needed.
Section III
The presence of 51% of the total membership shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum a meeting shall not take place.
These By-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a 51% total vote of the membership.
Section I
It shall be the duty of the chairperson to preside at all meeting.
Section II
In the absence or disability for the chairperson, the co-chairperson shall assume the duties of the chairperson.
Section III
Should both senior officers be unavailable, a simple majority of those present will choose a temporary chairperson.
It shall be the duties of all the council members to:
1. Attend all meetings. If a committee member misses two unexcused meetings the chair-person will ask for his/her resignation.
2. Accept positions as officers or subcommittee members when so appointed or elected.
3. Organize and conduct an election of council members at the beginning of the school year.
The secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings, send notices of meetings and/or agenda, attend to all correspondence, and send out publicity as directed.
Section I
All officers shall be elected no later than the second meeting at the beginning of the school year.
Section II
New officers shall assume their duties no later than the beginning of the third meeting of the school year.
Section III
Should an officer resign before new elections are held, the council shall elect a member in good standing to assume the office.
Section I
The chairperson shall appoint such committees as he or she considers necessary at any time or as directed by a majority of the members present.
Section II
The nominating committee shall consist of three members. Before the second council meeting of the school year, the committee shall supervise the election of new members including: Parents, teachers, and school personnel. The committee shall maintain a list of alternates, and shall elect members from an alternative list to replace members who have resigned.
The meetings will be governed by these by-laws using Robert's Rules of Order.