The following needs were identified through a comprehensive planning process, which included input from school site representatives to cluster meetings, district departments and other assessment measures.
Project Improvements to Support Student Learning and Instruction
Install a wireless network (WIFI)
Provide 21st century technology upgrades, including audiovisual projection capabilities for all students
School Improvements to Support Student Health, Safety and Security
Provide campus-wide emergency communications system
Improve student drop-off and pick-up areas and improve vehicular circulation
Expand parking area, providing additional parking spaces
Install security lighting, as well as, increase vandalism and intrusion safeguards, including modifications to fencing
Location: 1770 Main Street, San Diego, CA 92113-1026
Built: 1991
Campus: 3.4 acres
Size: 533 students
See Updated Project Calendar
Projects to Improve School Accessibility, Code Compliance Upgrades
Renovate existing restrooms
Improve accessibility to all classrooms, labs, restrooms, and other school facilities to comply with accessibility regulations including ADA Title I & II
Repair/replace/remove old portable classrooms
Install three-compartment sink in kitchen
Major Building Systems Repair/Replacement
Repair/replace deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems as needed
Repair site sidewalks and hardscape areas
Repair/replace heating and ventilation systems as needed
Repair/replace building interior/exterior finishes and fixtures as needed